It has been a while since anything has happened with the OXYGEN project. Occasionally I would get a chance to draw another panel but it wasn’t enough to be able to realistically make significant progress with the book to reach a point where it would ever be published. Then something changed.

The Lockdown that has occurred for us all created a silver lining. I had to decamp from studio to home with minimal equipment. One desktop computer and my Cintiq (drawing tablet). Most of my work is as a storyboard artist. I was busy drawing ‘Dennis&Gnasher’ using my storyboard software when it suddenly occurred to me that I could draw panels for OXYGEN that way. I did a test and the results were amazing. Within two weeks I completed all the panels for the first chapter!

This is really satisfying and has lit a huge fire under the project. Colouring is in progress and I am already starting to thumbnail the second chapter. I have also restarted the Patreon page I had for it and am uploading news and short videos of me talking about the project. Please check it out. Most of the content is free but there is the opportunity to support it if you choose. You can find it at

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