transformation is another place

Limited edition hardback NOW AVAILABLE

The full seven-chapter story of OXYGEN is now available as a 200+ page hardback book. Along with the seven chapters (that have had adjustments and additions for this release) there is background information about the making of the book and what is behind the narrative. This is a one-time offer as this cover is exclusive to the Kickstarter campaign and will not be available when current stock is gone. Click below to find out more.

OXYGEN hardback book
Below are some of the original posts that were made here during the early stages of the project. Given where we are now it is interesting to see how it all began.


Issue two of OXYGEN is now available to view online.  Having landed on an unknown planet, our astronaut now begins the long journey to 'the destination'. His companion droid, LUNA giving little clue as t0 the dangers that lie ahead. You can buy your online issue of...

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It has been a while but finally, OXYGEN -RED is complete, printed and ready to buy. Nice glossy full-colour first issue. The official launch date is 15th November as part of the UK ThoughtBubble Festival but as followers of this blog I am giving you the heads up. A...

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Crossing the Void

Crossing the Void

Today's panel from OXYGEN book 2. Currently up to page 16 with this issue. The detail in this scene is slowing me down a bit. slowing Major T down as well. But we will struggle on. I also have 13 pages of colour from the colourist too so I can start dropping on some...

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The first review of episode one, RED, of OXYGEN is in. Really great to see that it is hitting the spot. It has been a long journey to get the first issue out but it has certainly achieved what I wanted it too. Many thanks to Darryll Robinson and all at MONKEYS...

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One of the things I always love drawing is landscapes and environments. Creating the world where characters play out their story. Here is another panel from OXYGEN. Echoes if Horizon on this one. Which of course is totally deliberate

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The linework is well underway for the second instalment of OXYGEN. Having left the ship we now travel with the Major and LUNA across the landscape. As with HORIZON, the landscape is not just a location, it is a place of challenges and reflection. It is a character in...

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Drawing curved shapes in perspective is always a tricky one for comic book artists. I mean, we manage it fine but it's always useful to have some reference, and if possible at exactly the right angle. A number of Comic artists use Sketchup for basic modelling so I...

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The first issue of the new OXYGEN comic project is now available. Entitled RED it introduces our main characters and sets up the challenges ahead. It is going to be a tough journey.

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Episode One: RED

Episode One: RED

Due to the lockdown over the Coronavirus I found myself with more time than usual. this means that all the art, colouring, lettering and design for the first issue is complete. There will be an initial digital launch where you can read the issue online followed by a...

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The Opening Page

A few tiny tweaks to do but this is essentially the opening page of Episode One. There will be names etc added to the books and CDs. I am using the WILDWORDS font, which is what I used on HORIZON. There will be a different font for other speakers but for the internal...

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How to plan a comic

One of the things that I often find tricky to keep track of is when parts of the book need to get done and how to set deadlines and basically keep track of the whole process. The first deadline I have is the 24th of July for the London Film and Comic-Con. I want to...

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This is where we get introduced to our hero and his companion. The point that the real narrative begins.Upgrade to EARTH or UNIVERSE patron to see Coloured pages and Fully lettered pages respectively. 

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Flight suit

Following a previous post about our hero’s flight suit, here is the original reference. Yes, another Action Man costume from the dim and distant past as are various references for the book. And no, I don’t know why one of the legs on that outfit is cut off. A long...

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Episode 2 Development

Ok, so this may be a bit previous but I am using it as a way of testing the functionality of Patreon, Facebook and my blog. Trying to get them to hook up properly. and as the top tier patrons, I thought you wouldn't mind being the guinea pigs for that :-)As I have...

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May wallpaper

Hi. First of the free monthly wallpapers. These will all be panels from the book but to start with, a double giveaway. A 1920x1080 screen size version plus the superwide version that I use for headers etc. You can download the attachments or download from the...

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A colour design as a reference for the colourist. This is our hero in his 'flight suit' and very relevant to the title of the first episode.  We see him like this for the first 12 pages of book one, but after that, he is in his spacesuit. 

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You know how stories go, they start small and build. So here is the opening panel of OXYGEN book one. Not completely finished, there will be book titles on the spines of the books and there will be a narrative box or two on the panel but there ya go. Blast off. And it...

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All a bit surreal and ethereal and any other words that mean you don't really know what is going on. But this is the three panels for page 3 of the first book. Needless to say a bit more clarity will be added by colourist supremo, JP Bove and words will give a hint to...

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It has been a while since anything has happened with the OXYGEN graphic novel project. Occasionally I would get a chance to draw another panel but it wasn’t enough to be able to realistically make significant progress with the book to reach a point where it would ever be published. Then something changed to supercharge the project.

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Breakfast panels

couple more early morning panels. Getting closer to touchdown. #oxygen #comic #graphicnovel

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Planets sometimes align…

Planets sometimes align…

So this is weird. Like many people I get email notifications about stuff. One popped into my inbox from Indiegogo. One of the items on the email was about a new home camera security system. Looks pretty awesome but I was struck by the shape. Remind you of anything?...

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Colour test

Colour test

As the drawing of the panels slowly creeps forward on the new book, I thought I would pause and see what they might look like coloured up. As many of you will know, when I 'coloured' HORIZON I used a particular style that I had developed while working as a concept...

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