by Wildman | 15/11/2020 | Oxygen

Issue two of OXYGEN is now available to view online.
Having landed on an unknown planet, our astronaut now begins the long journey to ‘the destination’. His companion droid, LUNA giving little clue as t0 the dangers that lie ahead.
You can buy your online issue of OXYGEN – ORANGE HERE
Signed print copies will be available soon
by Wildman | 26/10/2020 | Oxygen

It has been a while but finally, OXYGEN -RED is complete, printed and ready to buy. Nice glossy full-colour first issue. The official launch date is 15th November as part of the UK ThoughtBubble Festival but as followers of this blog I am giving you the heads up.
A huge thank you to all those who have supported the project so far. It really has been a big help in enabling me to launch this new labour of love. Issue two, ORANGE will be making its way to the printers in the next couple of weeks. There’s no stopping it now.
You can find the book in the online store HERE
by Wildman | 01/07/2020 | Oxygen, General

Today’s panel from OXYGEN book 2. Currently up to page 16 with this issue. The detail in this scene is slowing me down a bit. slowing Major T down as well. But we will struggle on. I also have 13 pages of colour from the colourist too so I can start dropping on some lettering. As is the way with my books, I have an idea of what those words will be but it’s not until I see all the pictures lined up that I actually write the narrative. More soon.
by Wildman | 15/06/2020 | Oxygen, General
The first review of episode one, RED, of OXYGEN is in. Really great to see that it is hitting the spot. It has been a long journey to get the first issue out but it has certainly achieved what I wanted it too. Many thanks to Darryll Robinson and all at MONKEYS fighting ROBOTS for the kind words 🙂
by Wildman | 12/06/2020 | Oxygen, General
One of the things I always love drawing is landscapes and environments. Creating the world where characters play out their story. Here is another panel from OXYGEN. Echoes if Horizon on this one. Which of course is totally deliberate
by Wildman | 05/06/2020 | Oxygen
The linework is well underway for the second instalment of OXYGEN. Having left the ship we now travel with the Major and LUNA across the landscape. As with HORIZON, the landscape is not just a location, it is a place of challenges and reflection. It is a character in the story that helps us understand who the Major is. Much of it won’t be immediately apparent but more will become clear through the conversations between the Major and LUNA. This is how HORIZON worked as Ali and Moon travelled through HORIZON. One of the things that is already happening with OXYGEN is that as much as I had planned out how all 7 episodes would unfold, as I get to draw each panel new questions and challenges come up. New ideas and problems around the dialogue between Major and LUNA. But then I guess that’s just because I am on the journey with them.