They say we all have at least one book in us. Some people go on to actually write that book. A crime novel, a romance, a Sci-Fi epic. But even if we don’t actually put pen to paper, there is still that one big story. The story of our own life. A narrative that has more twists and turns and infinite depth than anything ever put to paper. In that story, you are the lead character, the author and therefore the creator of your own life. – AW

In the late 90’s I began a personal journey of self-discovery that culminated many years later in my graphic novel, HORIZON. During all of this I had also occasionally delivered talks at Conventions and also at Schools and Universities. It occurred to me that I could combine the two.
With my experiences as a creative in the entertainments industry and my own participation and training in ‘personal development’, I created my own brand of seminar that takes a trip through my life and career – with all its ups and downs – and by using the symbolism and metaphor contained within the characters that I have worked on I demonstrate how they tell us more about ourselves than we may at first realise and how they not only provide a deeper understanding of ourselves but how they can also give us a powerful access to a more focused and fulfilling life.
To book Andrew for lecturing and guest speaking please email info@andrewwildman.net
“Andrew Wildman is able to articulate in an incredibly rational, calm and thoughtful way the many paths that careers can take.
The room was mesmerised by his experiences, his thinking and his articulation of the way life unfolds.”
Sometimes, on a Games course, especially one as intense as ours here at the NFTS, it can be difficult for the students to feel that they have time to step away from the computers and simply think. Andrew’s sessions allowed just this. For a few hours every week Andrew took them away from the world of 1’s and 0’s and spoke to them about creativity, design and illustration.
“An engaging and inspirational talk that showed our Year 12 students how a person’s career journey can change positively over time by keeping an open mind to all opportunities and having an optimistic outlook on life.”
- Glen Parva Young Offenders Institute – drawing workshop
- Middlesex University – Who are all the Heroes
- Dundee University – Storyboarding for Doctor Who
- Chipping Norton Literary Festival – Creating Horizon
- The Oxford Yes Group – An introduction to Infinity
- International Comics Salon 2014, Barcelona. – Comics and Transformation
- National Film and Television School – Concept art for Games, Film and TV.
- Oxford University – Transformation and Regeneration
- Oxford Brookes University – Building the Foundation of a career in the arts
- St Edward’s School, Oxford – From script to page
- Chipping Norton School – Inspiring Futures
- Northampton University – Changing Futures
In this 120 page graphic novel Art and Life collide as the reader is taken on a journey that is not only entertaining but also – through its coaching content – will enable breakthroughs in the life of the reader.
In 1998, following a personal and professional breakdown, I began to write a new personal journey.
After a number of years participating in various seminars and workshops, I undertook some training as a coach and then began to write a story. A fictional Graphic Novel that uses some of the emotional elements of my own life to weave a narrative that not only entertains the reader but offers insights into who we are and how we can more fully understand our own ‘internal dialogue’. HORIZON is the story of Ali, a
‘The only way to live your
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Little Gidding – T.S. Eliot
To book Andrew for lecturing and guest speaking please email info@andrewwildman.net