X-15-06Having a rummage around the studio as for a long time I have been wanting to get pages of old Comic Book work onto the website. Just for view or sale. Currently up there are X-Men pages and Venom pages. Plenty more to get through but, its a start.
You can find them at
#comics #comicart #xmen #venom

LUTHER storyboard

LUTHER storyboard

Season 5 of the BBC classic, LUTHER is now on screen.
With that being the case I have put up one of the boards that I did for the show back in December 2017. It is a scene that seems to have spooked many a viewer. You may never go on a bus again after seeing it.

You can see the board on the BOARDS page where you can also see work from some of the other shows I have had the pleasure of working on.

Unseen Classic

Unseen Classic

For a while Transformers publishers IDW produced an ongoing collection of books featuring all the classic Transformers stories from the UK comic. Given that the UK Transformers comic was weekly it was a fair volume of work. I was commissioned to do the cover art for these books. The first 5 volumes of this hefty publication saw the light of day but what was to be book six was delayed and delayed until finally, IDW cancelled it. I was always proud of the art that myself and uber colourist, Jason Cardy produced for these books and have now put them on my ‘shop‘ as high signed quality prints. And this includes the unused art for the never seen book 6. So grab yourself a classic and hang it on your wall.
Planets sometimes align…

Planets sometimes align…

So this is weird. Like many people I get email notifications about stuff. One popped into my inbox from Indiegogo. One of the items on the email was about a new home camera security system. Looks pretty awesome but I was struck by the shape. Remind you of anything? Pure coincidence obviously. Not only that, but the name too. Then I scrolled down the page and saw the following image. Spooky eh 😉


OXYGEN image

You can check out this awesome little device on Indiegogo HERE



I have had a ‘shop’ on here for a while but with only a few items. I recently posted on Facebook and Twitter that there are some prints now available. Thanks for all the interest in these. But… as soon as I mentioned it the whole thing crashed and burned and disappeared and was unretrievable. “I’m an artists Jim, not a web designer!!” Anyway, been poking about a bit and have now completely redesigned the Shop to be a Store (because when I tried to call it a Shop again it just kept disappearing!)

So, welcome to the STORE. We have Prints AND Books. Take a rummage through and see what takes your fantasy. This is all mostly stuff that I sell at conventions including the new re-inked, re-coloured version of the Transformers characters playing a game for the Universe. Now called ‘High Stakes‘.



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