by Wildman | 03/09/2019 | Art, General
BBC’s new crime drama/thriller, THE CAPTURE. I had the pleasure of working with Director Ben Chanan on this amazing new show.
With the world of fake news that we now live in this one will strike a nerve. It has so many topical aspects to it while still at heart being a great tense and taut thriller. If you missed it, catch up on iPlayer.

by Wildman | 07/06/2019 | General
I seem to get all sorts of amazing and fun things to do as a Storyboard Artist. One that came up last year and which I have just seen the results of is an episode of the new BLACK MIRROR series called SMITHEREENS. The part that needed boarding was a car accident. I seem to have done a few of those over the past few years. There were particular shots that the director, James Hawes needed to get across to the stunt crew and those that would be doing any FX in post-production. Always nice to see that what was done on the board turns out pretty much shot for shot in the final version. Here are some of the key shots. Oh, and if you haven’t seen it yet, do. Not for my part in it but for some stellar acting by Andrew Stone.

by Wildman | 19/05/2019 | General
No not like that. This week is Oxfordshire Artweeks. CNarts have a group show in the gallery at Chipping Norton Theatre. 15 of us are showing a variety of work under the theme of INTO THE WOODS. We are also taking it in turns to sit in on the exhibition and chat to the visitors. Today has been my turn so in the quiet moments I have been looking at OXYGEN again. Writing more if it and doodling layout thumbnails. I don’t get much opportunity to do it so it is time well spent. What seems to have occurred is that it is naturally breaking down into six chapters of 21 pages each. So… do I release them as I go? Or wait until it is one complete piece?

by Wildman | 16/04/2019 | General
Some of the work I am most proud of was a series of ‘forest’ drawing. These will be shown at the upcoming ‘Into the Woods’ exhibition 
by Wildman | 30/03/2019 | General
I created this ‘journey’ through a landscape a few years ago and exhibited it. It’s been sitting in a drawer since then but is now going to get another airing as part of the ‘Into the Woods’ exhibition. The show is a CNarts event as part of Oxfordshire Artweeks running from 18th is – 27th of May. It will be alongside a host of other amazing work by Chipping Norton area based artists.