and counting

and counting

For anyone that is interested in grabbing one of the Transformers Sketches that kicked off the first of the sketchbooks and that are up on eBay and about to time out, you can still see them on the links below. Auction ends 19.18 UK time on 5th February. That’s tomorrow as I type.

Links to the specific auction pages for each character are…

Or you can see them all at
And if you are interested in the printed Transformers Sketchbooks, check them out in the SHOP

Thinking Philosophically

Thinking Philosophically

Currently reading this gem of a book at the moment. If, like me, you love a bit of philosophy then this is the one for you. What makes this great is that not only does if give a short chapter to a whole host of ‘Great thinkers’ but it does it with the intention of showing what they had to say that is completely relevant in todays world. Politics, Art and Life in general are all handled through everyone from Plato to Coco Channel and a host of others. And as is the way with philosophy, it has really made me think 😉 Not just think but reconsider what is important to me, my life and the world around me. Great stuff. May well be sharing some snippets and insights from this.

You can check out the details on the School of Life website


The Transformers UK Art Auction has now finished. Congratulations to all those that grabbed a page. Will be sending those out over the course of the week.

Currently running is the auction of Transformers Sketches. You can check all the info for those in the previous post HERE

Transformers UK Original Art auction ends TODAY

A lot of interest in these rare 10 pages of Transformers UK art from 1989. The auction ends today so if you are at all interested, check them out. Maybe yours will be the ‘good home’ that one of these pages will go to:-) Either way, its great to see these pages getting some love after 29 years in a cupboard 🙂

you can see the pages HERE along with the Sketches that are currently running.


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